

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Maybe this will work

I've tried everything imaginable to lose weight...over...and...over...and...over again. But nothing works, at least not for longer than a few months. So I'm trying something new. FOOD ACCOUNTABILITY. Now you can all see what I eat, why I go up ten and down ten and ultimately back up each and every year.

Every January 1st, half the damn country makes a "resolution" to lose weight. Not me, I always swear that I will just eat healthy and exercise and make a resolution that is more important than a stupid diet that I won't follow anyway. For the record, my resolution this year is to manage my stress level in a healthy way.

But of course I have those damn holiday pounds floating around my mid-section. This year I managed to gain seven of them in the month of December. So I spent the first week of the year eating everything delicious and bad for me that was left in the refrigerator. The refrigerator ran out so I guess it's time to eat something good for me and find a new way of life.

Here I go...


  1. <3 YAY!!! You're such an inspiration! I am trying to be good, but not like this! LOL Maybe some day when I'm under 200 pounds and I need to find a new way to cut out fat I'll try the black beans. Not until then. ;)
    LOVE YOU!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!

  2. I love black beans, like love them! I needed something new. Hopefully I can stick to it and make it work.
