Then I did the right thing and ate my healthy breakfast at 8:45:
Strawberry yogurt with fiber one oat cereal and a banana
Snack 11:15:
Lunch at noon:
Turkey salad sandwich that totally rocked. Used left over turkey (of course right), light mayo and bulked it with celery and dried cranberries followed by a sprinkle of celery seed. Added a piece of american cheese and put in on my low calorie bread. For Katy - I am using up what I have so that I don't waste (apparently there are starving people out there, I'm just not one who has ever let myself get to the starving point). I will not buy low calorie unhealthy bread again :) So anyway, had some celery on the side with a laughing cow wedge and 1/4 cup of low fat cottage cheese. Bummed one small meatball from a co-worker and polished off lunch with two hershey kisses from the front of the office. Didn't exactly stick to the lunch I planned but kept my splurge in moderation with only one meatball and two kisses.
Snack 4:15:
6 Garlic triscuits, 2 oz low fat cheddar, 6 slices of turkey pepperoni (note only five are picture b/c I ate one while making it) This fatty couldn't wait until the picture was taken to show you all 6 mini sandwiches. Also had one bite of a trail bar.
Dinner 6:00:
Turkey soup with a small hand full of oyster crackers and as always, my little cup-o-milk
It's 7:52 and I'm hungry...but trying not to have that late night snack...while my husband sits next to me and eats the final quarter of a pint of carrot cake Ben and Jerry's.
He kindly says, "Can I have this?".
I immediately say, "NO, that's my fucking ice cream."
"But you are on a diet." he replys (for the record, I'm not on a diet). He walks away saying what the fuck, there is barely anything in here....
At which point I let him eat it because it wasn't a full pint and I was saving a full pint for my safety PMS net...apparently there is not a full pint left though... :( My dog is now enjoying licking the empty container while I still sit here hungry. I can hear the cereal calling me from the kitchen.
Today's conclusions:
1. I need to buy an ice cream maker
2. Turkey salad sandwiches rock when you add cranberries
3. We have no more B&J...but it's probably for the best
4. No wonder my dogs fart, we let them lick ice cream containers
Hope you all head a healthy day :)
I like the Ben and Jerry's PMS safety net!