I had a one egg sandwich with low fat cheese and a tomato on a whole wheat bagel thin. Yes, apparently you can get this type of food at a restaurant. Much to my disappointment...but relief...it did not come with home fries. I was going to split a side of hash with Julie but when the waitress asked, I looked at my healthy friend and said we don't need that. Which was for the best, did I really want to burp up hash while snowshoeing?
After breakfast we went out on the trail in below freezing temps and had an awesome time trailblazing...and blazing off the trail...for three hours.
At this point it was well after lunch time so we went to Cary's house for some low calorie cocoa...which was gross so we added baileys and a scoop of fluff. Cary had beautiful salmon falls mugs and the cocoa and company rocked.
On my way home I had to stop for coffee, milk and a roof rake...and the whole time I had to pee but was still in snow pants and was STARVING!
I got home and got to lunch. I went right for the fast option and had a bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch with fresh blueberries.
The cereal did not hold me over to say the least. I mean honestly, I did just hike through the woods all morning. So I had a weight watchers toffee ice cream popsicle that was lingering in my fridge from Weight Watchers (you know, the journey before the blog journey). I then followed that with another cup of cocoa and fluff. While I didn't add any baileys to this cup, since I didn't have any, I did make a huge cup with full sugar/calorie cocoa. Not my best decision but it warmed me up.
The husband came home and asked that I make his lunch while he tried out the new roof rake outdoors. This of course means that I ate one and half pieces of cheese which I would have otherwise not had if he had made his own lunch. Damn it...I don't even like American cheese that much but I popped it right in my mouth like the fatty that I am.
Dinner was leftovers so it was the same thing we had last night: Ham, Mac & Cheese and Green Beans...and my lil' cup-o-milk :) Oh, and one bite of cranberry sauce.
Dude, that Kashi Go Lean Crunch looks way better than my rabbit pellets, but that shellak kills my teeth. Damn it! FWIW, I have been DYING for cocoa lately, and chocolate and I realised today that either hot cocoa or chocolate milk would be a WAAAYYYY better alternative to a chocolate bar like I had the other day. So you didn't do bad! GOOD JOB!!!
ReplyDeletePS - I fucking HATE ham and that ham looks yummy. It must have been cooked in the rotiseiree. ;)