I started the day with groceries, even decided to make two new recipes for this week and cook a ham which is something I have never done. I bought one that clearly read lean to know I was getting a good healthy cut. I'm planning to mimic some of the Common Man Restaurant recipes this week but will be altering them in an effort to keep them healthy. For example, instead of regular half and half, I have bought fat free. I will use low fat cheddar instead of full fat and I bought healthy pasta instead of plain old pasta. My bacon is center cut which has 25% less fat than regular and I will use half the amount called for in the recipe.
Okay, the food. Breakfast was delicious and kept me super full...
Coffee with fat free half and half to start while out doing the groceries and dealing with bullshit at wal-mart (Don't EVER use their Tire and Lube department). Came home and made myself an omelet of sorts in the microwave with less than 1/4 cup of egg whites, 1 oz ,low fat cheddar, about 5 slices of turkey pepperoni, two sundried tomatoes, salt and pepper. Served with two low calorie slices of toast and one apple and a small glass of milk. This was delicious and will be repeated again. I was super pleased with how full it kept me.
My BFF came over to play and we had plans of eating healthy junk food which meant baking No Pudge Brownies. We got to baking right away and while the brownies cooled, we played Kinect which was tons of fun and we got exercise. Around 2:00 we were hungry for lunch...so we did what any two BFF's would do and decided to call the brownies lunch rather than eating an actual lunch. Now as bad as this sounds, if you saw what we would normally eat, this is a healthy decision. We are in the habit of eating good on our own but we get together and go HOGWILD with appetizers, main courses and desserts when we go out (not to mention the booze). So substituting brownies for lunch was in our minds better than lunch and the brownies. We each had a hearty serving with two dollops of whipped cream. We also had about 2-4 Food Should Taste Good cracker/chips. These were purchased at the suggestion of my dietician sister and were a great find! They were $3 a bag but I am very pleased with the flavor, texture and nutritional value. Not to mention, each cracker/chip is huge so you feel good about only needing to eat like two of them.
Snack: A few hours later...and after steady Kinect play
We of course reached for the brownies again but had a much smaller portion this time around. I calculate that in total we probably each had roughly 1/3 of the pan throughout the day which works out to a total of 480 calories for lunch and snack. Not too bad in reality.
Dinner, a healthier cheap fun food:
Frozen Chinese Food. Believe it or not, these are pretty good. The takeout box styles are yummier but not quite as healthy...unless you get the vegetable one which is scrumptious but gives me a tummy ache every single time. I ate approximately 1/3 of the total box for dinner but then did the right thing and passed out watching a movie which meant no late night snack.
And finally...since it was Saturday and all. I drank 4 beers. They were not light beers and they never will be. I hate light beer unless it's a hot summer day and I plan to drink 15-20 in one day (yes I can do this and have many times, no this is not a lot of beer if you are used to drinking GOOD beer and not beer flavored water in a can). For those that don't know, my husband and I brew our own beer...well...we are learning actually to brew good/drinkable beer. So far only about half of our homebrew has been drinkable. But we are working hard to conquer that and with the help of a new book (yup, we are reading books...shows our age), we will brew the best of the best GOOD beer. So I drank Red Hook Winter Ale which we discovered on Friday night when I had just one beer (after posting). This beer kicks ass and has earned it's way into my top five favorite beers...which for your pleasure I will now list but please note these are subject to change at any time as I am and will always be an avid beer drinker.
1. Gordon Ale (Oskar Blues)
2. Mojo (Boulder Beer Co.)
3. Punk'n (Four + Brewing Co.)
4. Midas Touch (Dogfish Head)
5. Winter Hook (Red Hook)
I'm quite certain that today was not a weight loss day...BUT...normally my BFF and I would have been so much worse. We find comfort in indulging together and are working hard to change that and be a support structure for one another. So I am not disappointed in the day.
GOOD JOB, YELLIE!!!! We're so awesome!!!
ReplyDeletePS - To update your tickers you have to actually go back into your Lilyslim and update the weights. Kinda a PITA but it's nice when you have to update it b/c you lost weight. :)
Thanks. I'll go in and update. Hopefully I can update for losing...of course you also have to update for gaining...
ReplyDeleteHey Yellie! I think that you did good today considering that you know how you and Mandie typically eat when you ladies get together. I think that having this support system in one another is beyond awesome. Even as a dietitian I alllow myself to have a little fun and flexibility on the weekend as should you. Did I ever tell you my 80/20 rule? I think you can get the gist of what it is but you can apply it to any facet of your life and it makes you realize that you are human and allowed to indulge or "do wrong" from time to time. I want to meet with you to talk nutrition soon so I hope you and Mandie talked about the dates I provided you with. Also, Saturday or Sunday teh 12th and 13th are now open because Ryan is going to a fishing derby and our plans to go to Lisbon for V-Day got shot. (I'm actually not mad...thought I would be but he has the chance to win a HUGE boat!)
ReplyDeleteThe 80/20 rule sounds like a good one. I thought we did pretty good. In the past, it would have been nothing for us to polish off a whole pan of brownies...and not the healthier kind. We knew ahead of time that we wanted a larger brownie and called it our meal.
ReplyDeleteWe did talk and decided a weekend would be best or us. I'll facebook a message so we can set the date and time for our store tour